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Finger Lime Powder now available


finger lime powder

Fingerlimes Fresh is very excited to announce the beginning of our Fingerlime Powder production.  Our new dehydration room is now complete and we are in full production mode, drying and grinding Finger lime skins, to produce what we think will be a wonderful addition to our product line. 

After we have extracted the pulp with our 'One of a Kind' de-pulping machine, (designed by Chris), we dry the skins to produce this delightfully exotic tasting powdered Superfood.

The powder can be used in many applications e.g. teas, cold drinks, for gourmet cooking, cosmetics, and medicine.  

It is rich in folate, potassium and Vitamin E and contains three times the Vitamin C found in mandarines. The level of Vitamin E is exceptionally high in the pink Finger Lime. Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants in human cell protection and disease prevention.

For this exciting release of we are offering the powder in a 500gm resealable pouch at a wholesale rate of $100 and is available now in the Fingerlimes Fresh website shop. shop now


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